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The Legion Clan
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Споил/дроп рецептов А грейда
NikrosДата: Четверг, 27.03.2008, 17:53 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 2160
Репутация: 137
Статус: Offline
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
64 Plando 0,0571102227298686 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Leather Armor(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
67 Malruk Berserker 0,0440917107583774 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
65 Cave Howler 0,0551876379690949 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
63 Resurrected Knight 0,0209995800083998 1-1
63 Corrupted Knight 0,014600671630895 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
65 Trampled Man 1,42857142857143 1-1
65 Trampled Man 1,42857142857143 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Robe(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
65 Trampled Man 0,00839983200335993 1-1
65 Trampled Man 0,00659978880675818 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
65 Alliance of Splendor 0,309597523219814 1-1
65 Alliance of Splendor 0,309597523219814 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
64 Corrupted Guard 0,0173010380622837 1-1
64 Corrupted Guard 0,0149992500374981 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
65 Slaughter Executioner 2,85714285714286 1-1
65 Slaughter Executioner 2,85714285714286 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
67 Alpen Buffalo 0,0143000143000143 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
67 Alpen Buffalo 3,57142857142857 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
65 Alpen Kookaburra 0,304878048780488 1-1
65 Alpen Kookaburra 0,124378109452736 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
67 Alpen Buffalo 4,34782608695652 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
65 Alpen Kookaburra 0,353356890459364 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
65 Alpen Kookaburra 4 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
67 Judge of Splendor 0,0762195121951219 1-1
64 Punishment of Splendor 0,0599880023995201 1-1
63 Pilgrim of Splendor 0,0520020800832033 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
67 Wailing of Splendor 0,0786163522012579 1-1
66 Judge of Light 0,0757002271006813 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
64 Hallate's Warrior 0,0209995800083998 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
67 Platinum Tribe Soldier 3,03030303030303 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Plate Armor(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
63 Slaughter Bathin 0,0491883915395967 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
65 Hallate's Knight 0,0357015351660121 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
67 Hallate's Commander 1,96078431372549 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
67 Alpen Buffalo 0,666666666666667 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
67 Alpen Buffalo 0,546448087431694 1-1

Лидер Клана [TLC] The Legion Clan

NikrosДата: Четверг, 27.03.2008, 17:55 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 2160
Репутация: 137
Статус: Offline
Recipe: Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
68 Pytan Knight 0,0351000351000351 1-1

[color=red]Recipe: Sealed Majestic Leather Armor(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
69 Pytan 0,0273972602739726 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Robe(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
68 Requiem Lord 0,0246974561620153 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Robe(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
69 Bone Sweeper 0,0223015165031222 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Shield of Nightmare(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
69 Alpen Cougar 0,0341997264021888 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
69 Alpen Cougar 4 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Boots of Nightmare(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
72 Sly Hound Dog 0,19723865877712 1-1
71 Eye of Restrainer 0,0537056928034372 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Boots(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
72 Buffalo Slave 0,0765110941086457 1-1
73 Eye of Watchman 0,0693962526023595 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
72 Gaze of Nightmare 0,0693000693000693 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gauntlets(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
73 Homunculus 0,163934426229508 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Armor of Nightmare(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
69 Platinum Tribe Warrior 0,0508905852417303 1-1
72 Bound Warrior 0,018698578908003 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Plate Armor(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
74 Platinum Guardian Prefect 0,033003300330033 1-1
69 Hallate's Guardian 0,0215007525263384 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
69 Alpen Cougar 0,0067999456004352 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
69 Alpen Cougar 1,51515151515152 1-1

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet(60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
69 Alpen Cougar 0,0541125541125541 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
69 Alpen Cougar 2,85714285714286 1-1

Лидер Клана [TLC] The Legion Clan

NikrosДата: Четверг, 27.03.2008, 17:56 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 2160
Репутация: 137
Статус: Offline
Recipe: Guardian's Sword (100%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
55 Lost Gargoyle 0,00750018750468762 1-1

Recipe: Infernal Master (60%)
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
60 Lost Buffalo 0,0424989375265618 1-1

Recipe: Wizard's Tear (100%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
62 Lost Yeti 0,0049000392003136 1-1

Recipe: Kaim Vanul's Bones (100%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
55 Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 0,0723065798987708 1-1
55 Marsh Drake 0,0102997219075085 1-1
57 Nephilim Guard 0,0100999899000101 1-1
56 Doom Scout 0,0077000077000077 1-1
57 Pobby 0,0049000392003136 1-1
58 Hamrut 0,0013999916000504 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
56 Panthera 0,0809716599190283 1-1

Recipe: Spiritual Eye (60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
70 Messenger Angel 0,0513874614594039 1-1
67 Sepulcher Sage 0,0162999185004075 1-1
65 Sepulcher Guardian 0,0115995824150331 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
59 Frost Iron Golem 0,0986193293885602 1-1

Recipe: Destroyer Hammer (60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
73 Spiked Stakato Worker 0,05 1-1
64 Purgatory Tarantula 0,0162999185004075 1-1
67 Hell Keeper Crimson Doll 0,0130005200208008 1-1
69 Marsh Predator 0,00940026320736981 1-1
70 Lava Wyrm 0,00689988270199407 1-1
67 Glow Wisp 0,0031000062000124 1-1

Recipe: Flaming Dragon Skull (60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
67 Platinum Tribe Soldier 0,0135007425408397 1-1
66 Tulben 0,00900009000090001 1-1
65 Doom Knight 0,0032 1-1
Lvl Monster Name Spoil % Quantity
60 Lost Buffalo 0,0424989375265618 1-1

Recipe: Doom Crusher (60%)
Lvl Monster Name Drop % Quantity
67 Mul's Wizard 0,0125 1-1
68 Purgatory Gargoyle 0,00350005250078751 1-1

Лидер Клана [TLC] The Legion Clan

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